Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ludacris Fairytales

Another weekend almost over and the loneliness continue. I have been putting a lot of thought into my life, goals, and what things I haven't accomplished.
My life has always been somewhat easy in comparison to most. I work three days a week, most of the toys I've ever wanted and the most amazing jaw-dropping women around. There is just something to be said about happiness, many think you can have whatever you want with money. This is true to a point. It all depends on what type of happiness you are looking for. As the years went by, friends got married, they called less, and I noticed their "fun time" was limited. I often think about if I made the correct choices in life. There is no going back now, but did I become someone who will never be satisfied? When you are gifted with just about everything you wanted, it's tough to just be satisfied with one.
On days like today for example (HAPPY FATHERS DAY) I often think, if by now, I should have had a kid like all my friends. It just seems I am stuck in a different level than almost everyone I know, most were married young, had failed marriages and a child or two.
Many women dream of that special day where they marry the man of there dreams and lives happier after. Here is a little something a friend wrote me.
Ok, just to refresh y'alls memory!
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill went tumbling after. Another fairytale, we all listened to as little girls. So as we got older we listened to songs like "Stand By Your Man" (Tammy Wynette). Etc. you get the point....
Metaphors for what ever your man does or is we should just hang in there and love them no matter what. Since we were little we have heard them all.
There is the Frog Prince that tells us that even a toad can turn into a prince if we love him enough and just by kissing him he will turn into a prince. Ha Ha... but we believed it and tried it. You know you have so don't even play with me girls....
My favorite is Cinderella of course, if a man doesn't notice you, just for who you are then make yourself up, put on the lingerie and speak to his male. Try pulling your hair back, leaving the makeup off and wearing sweats and seeing how fast you turn him on. As little girls this tells us that being ourselves isn't good enough we have to be the same as every other woman to turn his head. Both of them. Ha.... How many times have you done this girl? Don't lie you tried it too. You changed yourself in one way or another for a man...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs... This one is to teach us that surely if she could handle seven men and their different personalities, then surely as women we could handle one man and his seven different personalities.... i.e.: grumpy, dopey, sleepy.... etc. c'mon girls you know it is true....
Old Mother Hubbard, not once does this one mention... Where the hell is the man that made all those kids with her. Hmmmm ever thought about why there is no mention of him.... He is probably sitting at the corner bar hitting on Barbie...and we won't even go into her issues ladies....
I decided I am going to be like Dorothy in the Wizard Of Oz.... Through out the whole movie all she wants to do is go home and get away from the man with no brain, the man with no heart, and the man with no courage... Damn she learned at a young age what she didn't want in a man... we all need to take a lesson from her.... I for one will stop buying into bullshit from men and only listen to the truth of their heart....
No I am not upset with men I just had a conversation with a friend and decided that I am ending my affair with fairytales and only listening to truth from now on...
So with that being said, here's my side...Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?" The girl said:” NO!" And the guy lived happily ever-after and went fishing, drank beers, always had a clean house, never had to cook, did whatever the hell he wanted, never argued, didn't get fat, traveled more, had many lovers, saved money, and had all the hot water to himself. He went wherever he wanted, had high self-esteem, never cried or yelled, felt and looked great and was pleasant all the time. Most of you have already been married, had that perfect wedding, your first child, perhaps your first home and so many firsts. What am I left with? A wedding I need to pay for, kids I need to raise, and not too many first's left! I thought by having my old school beliefs would be an advantage...But the reality is maybe I will never find someone without children, never married, and is not too scared to give me their everything. The truth is we have all been hurt one way or another. I just wish you did not judge me as if I was the same as every other guy! Did I dream of that "happier ever after"? Not really, but what I am left with makes me feel somewhat cheated. I now get: every other weekend, can't stay over (because of their kids), limited time, anger issues with the ex, scared to be hurt, and the wonderful list goes on and on.
It really doesn’t matter to me if someone has kids or not, I have dated many with them. I just wish I could have the time he (the ex before kids) had to "get to know" you. So many changes after kids. If you have kids, do you remember that time period where you just met someone, had fun with no worries of thinking of a babysitter? I just wish women realized what it takes to be a single guy who really wants to get to know you, but the "getting to know you" is limited to every other weekend. Geez and you wonder why I have gone on multiple dates? Maybe cuz I only see you every other weekend! I would also want to protect my child and not allow him/her to get attached to someone right away, but be fair!! You did it before for someone else...give me that too! Sorry if I sound a little bitter, but the dating life of someone such as myself, with not too many obligations, is a simple life.
The Man

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