Sunday, December 19, 2010


As I wrote before I don't want to put my relationship out there, but I feel I need to vent a little. Things have been amazing. I have had a constant smile on my face but today I am feeling that feeling I hate!
We made plans on going out and meeting up with a few of her friends. I was a little nervous but extremely happy as well. I was now "her man" and when introduced, they said, "we've heard so much about you, finally we meet". I clicked right off the bat with her friends. I am really easy to get along with, and usually I will keep you laughing all night long. Something happened after the 12 beers, 4 tequila shots, and numerous smack talking. I have a few blank spots in my memory and I am now getting no return calls. She drove me home (actually drove my car as her friends followed). She lives about 40 minutes away so this is a big deal; she really went out of her way. I am just lost!! I sit here today and can only guess I screwed it up big-time. I am aware everyone makes mistakes, but for people like us, it only takes one! Have I destroyed this dream already? I honestly don't know... And not knowing is sometimes the worst thing.
In my dreams she is mine, but in real life she may have only been a dream.
The Man

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